Saturday was suppose to be a day for visitors to get a sneak peek into the new elephant habitat at the Oregon Zoo. Instead, people were met outside the gate by more than 100 protesters who not only want Packy, the zoo’s oldest elephant moved to a sanctuary but they also plan to petition Metro to get rid of the zoo’s elephant exhibit in its entirety.

Courtney Scott, a spokeswoman for Free Oregon Zoo Elephants, or FOZE, says a zoo is no place for an elephant like the soon to be 52-year-old Packy.

“He is controlled by intimidation and fear of a bullhook. He rocks, bobs and sways from the boredom and stress of captivity.” Zoo officials disagree. They say that although the oldest male Asian elephant on the continent has tuberculosis, he’s receiving excellent care and is comfortable in his home.

Although Packy is currently in the East sand yard and isn’t visible to any visitors, he is expected to celebrate his birthday with the public on Monday, with a 40-pound whole-wheat birthday cake, complete with bananas, carrots, apples and sweet potatoes.