from Portland Radio Project
Give Voice to Portland. This Edward R. Murrow award-winning news series features podcast conversations about important public service work being done in our community. A free media platform for local thought leaders, community-based organizations and activists.
Community Warehouse turns houses into homes
By Emily Neelon | Take a minute to picture where you grew up. Did you sit around a kitchen table
Neighborhood Partnerships empowers Oregon residents
Founded in 1989, Neighborhood Partnerships (NP) began as small fund that teamed up with other local foundations to provide grants
NWCT educates and entertains Portland’s youth
Northwest Children's Theater and School aims to educate, entertain and enrich the lives of their young audiences. Home to one
Vestibular Disorders Association helps individuals find balance
Over 35% of adults over 40 in the U.S. suffer experience vestibular dysfunction during their lives, going on to later
Second Step Housing empowers homeless families
There's no quick fix in beating the cycle of poverty. Providing long-term, sustainable solutions for homeless women and their children, Second
Innovation Law Lab seeks justice for immigrants
Innovation Law Lab aims to ensure our legal system is working fairly and hopes to bring an end to the mass