from Portland Radio Project
Give Voice to Portland. This Edward R. Murrow award-winning news series features podcast conversations about important public service work being done in our community. A free media platform for local thought leaders, community-based organizations and activists.
Tucker Maxon School: Learning Together
In our day-to-day lives, their are few resources more valuable than our peers. We learn the skill of sharing knowledge
Beer + Nonprofits = Change The World
Have a the world? That's a tagline that almost sounds too good to be true. But it's true -
Ending Hunger Before it Begins
We all know about food banks, soup kitchens and community garden programs as methods to end hunger problems. But what
The Portland Kitchen: Culinary Arts & Life Skills
For the teen who dreams of being the world's best pastry chef, there's a place they can go to cook
Raising Autism Awareness
April is Autism Awareness Month. As usual, both the Autism Society of Oregon and the Northwest Autism Foundation will be involved
Year-Round Support for the Honeybees
Is there hope for the honey bee? With media circulating reports of Colony Collapse Disorder, mysterious mass die-offs and parasite