The popularity of youth baseball and softball in Portland has been on the decline for the past several years.
Friends of Baseball, a local non-profit organization, is working to change that.
Founded by a father and son team – Keenan and Ben Longcor—Friends of Baseball’s Mission is to offer Oregon’s economically and geographically challenged children enhanced opportunities for social interaction, academic success and physical and mental well being through participation in youth baseball and softball team programs.
According to Nova Newcomer, Friends of Baseball’s Executive Director, one of the major reasons kids don’t play baseball or softball is due to financial ineligibility.

Nova Newcomer
Since 2005, Friends of Baseball, working with community partners – including Adidas, the Hillsboro Hops and the Oregon Sports Authority Foundation – has provided over $2.4 million in programming, grants, scholarships and equipment, benefiting more than 40,000 children Oregon and Southwest Washington.
Friends of Baseball
Friends of Baseball recently instituted a new fundraising program called “Diamond Dreams.”
Diamond Dreams offers members a chance to share ownership in Friends of Baseball by making tax-deductible donations at various levels.
Diamond Dreams
Hear our interview with Nova Newcomer all this week on
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Photo Credit should be given to Marti Stokes of Portland Cal Ripken