Oregon has earned its reputation of having beautiful scenery and bountiful wildlife.

For over thirty years Oregon Wildlife Foundation has played an important role in preserving the state’s natural treasures. Through partnerships with other non-profits, the private industry, and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, they’ve directed millions of dollars to projects around the state aimed at conserving fish, wildlife and natural habitat.

In 1981 the Oregon Wildlife Foundation was established by business leaders and the Oregon Fish & Wildlife Commission (now the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife) to provide funding for environmental and public access projects throughout Oregon.

Since its inception the Oregon Wildlife Foundation has done much to preserve Oregon’s outdoor life. Major accomplishments include:

  • A fund raising campaign in 1983-85 to purchase frontage along the lower 17 miles of the Deschutes River.
  • An emergency wildlife feeding program in 1996 to counter exceptionally harsh winter weather.
  • A decade-long effort to restore salmon habitat in coastal and Willamette valley streams during the 1990s.
  • A fundraising effort in 2007 to support the restoration of Diamond Lake.

The Oregon Wildlife Foundation currently has many great projects in the works. The organization is working to save winter wildlife at Sturgeon Lake, restore the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, and to provide critical support to biologists. The nonprofit is also leading efforts to conduct citizen science-based amphibian and turtle surveys at select aquatic sites in Clackamas County.

If you’d like to get involved in helping to restore Oregon’s beaches, rivers, mountains, wildlife, and natural habitat for future generations visit The Oregon Wildlife Foundation’s website for information on how to volunteer.

This week Oregon Wildlife Foundation joined PRP.fm on our award-winning Community Voices series. The podcast, featuring interview sessions with members of the organization, are below.

Tim Greseth, Executive Director

Angel Williams, Bonneville Gift Store

Scott Gall, Rural Conservationist, Sturgeon Lake Project

Ryland Moore, OWF Board President